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2018 Advanced eDiscovery Institute

Please join Orrick’s Chief Innovation Officer, Wendy Butler Curtis and Managing Project Attorney, Jeremiah Weasenforth at Georgetown Law’s 2018 Advance eDiscovery Institute program on November 15th.


Alisal Forum Luncheon

MCLE: Artificial Intelligence: What is it? What can it do for you? And, should we, as lawyers, embrace Data or fear the Borg?


Global Innovation Conference: Practical Guidance in IP, Antitrust, and Business for Taiwanese Companies (全球創新論壇:台灣企業智慧財產權、反壟斷及商業實務指南)

(中文版請見下方) Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe invites in-house counsel and executives to attend this complimentary one-day seminar, which will discuss the latest global trends and developments in intellectual property, antitrust, and investments in start-ups and joint ventures, with practical advice for ...


National Association of Women Judges 2018 Midyear Meeting

Orrick IP partners, Annette Hurst and Karen Johnson-McKewan, are both speakers at the National Association of Women Judges 2018 Midyear Meeting held at the New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge on April 12-14, 2018.